쌍커풀성형 - 부분절개법

Eye Surgery Center Double Eyelids Surgery Partial incision
부분절개법 수술시간 - 1시간 / 마취방법 - 수면마취 / 실밥제거 - 불필요 / 입원치료 - 불필요 / 내원치료 - 1~2회방문 / 일상생활 - 수술 후 7일


Through ½ incision, only the necessary amount of muscle to form a double eyelid is removed for the skin and upper levator to be connected. This method is less obvious than the full incision method with faster recovery.

부분절개법 수술대상

  • Those who have eyelids with thick skin, muscle layer and fats
  • Those who have not much skin sagging
  • Those who have ptosis due to the weakness in opening the eyes
  • Those who are suitable for incision method but prefer less obviousness of a surgery
  • Those whose previous burial method double eyelids got dim or loosened


부분절개법 수술방법
  • Local anesthesia after light sedation
  • Eliminates the necessary amount of muscle and fat 1~1.5cm incision is made in the middle part of the expected double eyelid line
  • Connect the eyelid skin and upper levator
  • Stitch up

부분절개법의 특징

  • Forms a clear double eyelids and yet leaves less obvious scars
  • Helps to express well-defined eyes for those who have sleepy looking eyes
  • Faster recovery and less swelling compared to the existing incision method
  • Revision surgery or going back to the original eyes is possible if wanted


Before & After Before & After Before & After

워너비성형외과의 특별함

  • 전문의료진
  • 숙련된 임상경험
  • 환자우선 시스템
  • 수술 후 관리시스템
  • 첨단장비 보유
서울대학교와 삼성서울병원 출신의 최고 수준의 의료진 구준한 연구와 숙련된 임상경험 안전한 마취 및 소독관리 시스템 통증없는 편안한 수술과 안락한 회복 시스템 첨단 3차원 진단 시스템 3D CT, VECTRA X3


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Online Counseling Kakao Talk ID +82-10-7213-8855
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