Thread Lifting - Tess Lifting

Antiaging Thread Lifting Tess Lifting
Tess Lifting operation time - 30 mins / Anesthesia - sedation / Stitch Removal - No needed / Hospitalization - No needed / Visit - 1 time / Daily Life - After 3~4 days

What is Tess Lifting?

Unlike the existing thread used in lifting, a special thread that has ribbon shaped mesh is injected to pull the wrinkles tight or make a V-line face. The subcutaneous tissue and skin is pulled and fixed to the other side of sagging skin. As there are mesh prickles on the thread, it is much effective to pull the nasolabial fold, sagging chin, neck and etc. The thread is actually injected to the area which critically affects the wrinkles and the lifting effect will increas as time passes

Tess Lifting is for

  • Those who are concerned about general face sagging
  • Those who have drooping chin line due to skin elasticity decline
  • Those who want to improve their deep nasolabial folds
  • Those who want a fast recovery after lifting
  • Those who want face elasticity without bone excision facial contouring surgeries
  • Those who want to correct their face line after facial contouring surgeries

Characteristics of Tess Lifting

  • Harmless and safe, FDA licensed product is used
  • Semi-permanent effect by one single treatment
  • There is less possibility of recurrence than the existing lifting treatment
  • You can return to the daily life immediately
  • Minimal scalp incision is done and leaves almost invisible scar

워너비성형외과의 특별함

  • 전문의료진
  • 숙련된 임상경험
  • 환자우선 시스템
  • 수술 후 관리시스템
  • 첨단장비 보유
서울대학교와 삼성서울병원 출신의 최고 수준의 의료진 구준한 연구와 숙련된 임상경험 안전한 마취 및 소독관리 시스템 통증없는 편안한 수술과 안락한 회복 시스템 첨단 3차원 진단 시스템 3D CT, VECTRA X3


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