Double Eyelids Surgery - Natural Incision Method

Eye Surgery CenterDouble Eyelids SurgeryNatural Incision Method
Natural Incision Method operation time - 1hour / Anesthesia - sedation / Stitch Removal - 5~7th day After Surgery / Hospitalization - No needed / Visit - 1~2 times / Daily Life - After 7 days

What is Natural Incision Method?

Natural incision is an upgraded method of 'Dynamic Method', which lets to achieve clear double eyelids when eyes are opened, and lead to a natural and smooth scarring when closed. This is less obvious and gives natural double eyelids at the same time.

What is 'Dynamic Method'?

This surgery method was created by observation of innate double eyelids, as they are created when there is fibrous connection between the eyelid skin dermis and the upper eyelid. The existing ‘static method’ is when muscle beneath the skin is substantially removed, and physically fix the dermis beneath the skin to the upper eyelid plate which causes dented scarring when the eyes are closed, while ‘dynamic method’ is to remove less muscle beneath the skin and fix the dermis to the upper eyelid fascia just as natural eyelid crease which is the best way to avoid dent and to leave a smooth and sleek scarring.

‘Dynamic method’란 일러스트 이미지
  • Natural double eyelid
    connection of the fibrousness in between the dermis and upper eyelid fascia
  • Static crease
    - removal of large amounts of
       orbicularis oculi muscle
    - fix the dermis at tarsal plate
    - deep scar with poor skin
  • Dynamic crease - Natural Incision
    - removal of small amounts of
       orbicularis oculi muscle
    - fix the dermis at upper eyelid fascia
       just like natural double eyelids
    - flat scar with smooth skin

Natural Incision Method Surgery is for

  • The patients who have eyelids that are thick and contain a lot of fat
  • Extremely saggy eyes
  • Who want clear and thick dould eyelids
  • Who have Blepharoptosis due to the weaken muscle on their eyes
  • Who prefer almost permanent double eyelids
  • Who want to correct the thick double eyelids to thin and natural double eyelids
  • Who want to improve the scar from exisiting incision method

Surgery Method

Natural Incision Method Surgery Method
  • Local anesthesia after light sedation
  • Eliminates the saggy skin and the necessary muscle fat
  • connect with eyelids skin and levator palpebrae superioris muscle
  • Stitch up

characteristics of Natural Incision Method

  • It forms a clear natural double eyelids and the scar would not be noticeable
  • It can efectively improve saggy eyelids
  • There will be less swelling and the subsidization of swelling would be proceede much faster than original incision method
  • It also accompanies Eye Shape Correction so it maximizes the effect of enlargement of eyes

Before & After Pictures

Before & After Before & After Before & After Before & After Before & After Before & After Before & After Before & After Before & After Before & After Before & After Before & After Before & After Before & After Before & After

워너비성형외과의 특별함

  • 전문의료진
  • 숙련된 임상경험
  • 환자우선 시스템
  • 수술 후 관리시스템
  • 첨단장비 보유
서울대학교와 삼성서울병원 출신의 최고 수준의 의료진 구준한 연구와 숙련된 임상경험 안전한 마취 및 소독관리 시스템 통증없는 편안한 수술과 안락한 회복 시스템 첨단 3차원 진단 시스템 3D CT, VECTRA X3

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